Sunday, October 9, 2011

Too Funny...

(Originally published Sunday, April 19, 2009)
Let me share this story with you. Lol It just shows that I really am losing it...
Craig would never go to bed unless I was ready to go to bed also. Once there, he would try everything in his power to let me be the first one to fall asleep. sweet husband was a snorer...and a very loud snorer at that! As long as he let me get to sleep first...rarely would his snoring bother me. But every once in a while...if I was coming out of my deep sleep and I would hear Craig snoring, I would gently shake his shoulder and say "Craig honey, you're snoring, roll over"...and he would mumble he was sorry and roll over. That would then stop the snoring long enough for me to get back into a deep sleep. (In the 7 years we were together, the only time we didn't sleep together was when he was out of town on business. This was something he was passionate about!)
Well, the first few weeks after Craig passed away, out dog Morgan slept with me every single night. It was comforting to me because it gave weight to the other side of the bed and didn't make it seem as lonely (Morgan weighs about 95 pounds)...and Morgan would, every once in a while, snore! One of those nights when he started his snoring, I found myself...just awake enough to know that he was snoring...gently shaking him and on the verge of asking him to roll over! Lol That was, until I realized...that wasn't Craig, that was the dog!
It was so sad...but yet so funny! Just goes to prove...I really am losing it...and it should be pretty entertaining to watch me as I do! Lol

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