Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Craig was behind this.....

originally posted on October 26, 2009 at 12:57am

On Saturday, 10/17/09...I decided to spend the day unpacking some of Craig's things that I definitely wanted to display in my new place (actually, I think most people would be surprised to see that everywhere you turn in my new place there is another picture of Craig...or items that belonged to Craig. It's just a scaled down version of the home we shared on Union Rd. LOL) The one thing he loved to display were his limited edition motorcycles. So...I drag the curio cabinet from it's temporary home (the second bedroom...which is now the storage area) and place it in the livingroom where I can proudly display those motorcycles, pictures of Craig on various bikes, and other related items.
For the longest time I debated as to how I wanted to display Craig's motorcycle helmets...and made the decision to somehow arrange them on top of the curio cabinet. Once I got everything else all set up...I unpacked his helmets. As I was cleaning off his full-faced helmet...his riding gloves fell out. These were the Kawasaki riding gloves I bought him a couple of years ago for Christmas...along with a Kawasaki hat and messenger bag (because he had just bought a Kawasaki bike to ride back and forth to work on when we lived in Huntington Beach. CA). Anyway...it was very bitter sweet to see that he still wore those same gloves! So, of course, I decided I had to find some way to display them along with his helmets. I finally got everything arranged...and was very pleased with the way everything flowed together. All evening, I kept looking at the different items and thinking of Craig!
The next morning Jonathan arrived (he was my care taker during this last surgery...poor guy!!) as I am in the kitchen cooking breakfast. He comes in...looks at the curio cabinet...and the very first words out of his mouth were: "Who are you telling to F**k off? Everyone?" I was completely baffled by the question. I had no clue what the heck he was talking about! He then had me come out of the kitchen...stand in front of the curio cabinet...and look at the way I displayed Craig's gloves. OMG!! I laughed until I cried! I had looked at that cabinet all evening and never once even noticed the obscene arrangement of his gloves! Without a doubt...someway, somehow...I know Craig was behind my arranging them this way! Cause if you knew Craig...it is absolutely something he would do!!!!

The "obscene gesture"

The Christmas Craig received the hat and gloves. I love his smile...it was always so warm and genuine!

~ Live, Laugh, Love, Tweet, Sip ~
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