Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Originally posted Saturday May 23, 2009

First of all...before I even get started on the story of why I chose the tattoo design I did...let me just remind everyone...
It's just very simple. It has extremely sentimental meaning to me...and it's a "part" of Craig!

The Story:
When Craig and I were first dating...and in the process of planning our wedding...we were in Michael's Craft Store one day. I was in the back of the store...carrying my little handcart around...picking out items I needed to make my wedding bouquet. Craig...well, who knows where he was. He just wasn't with me! Lol
The stores muzak system began to play "Always and Forever" by Heatwave. The next thing I knew...Craig appeared...took the hand cart out of my hands and sat it on the floor...proceeded to pull me in his arms and slow dance with me as he sang along with the song. (Craig has a beautiful singing voice!!) From that day forward...anytime we were together and we would hear that song, Craig would make a big production out of singing it to me! He was never, ever shy about publicly displaying how very much he loved and cared for me.
Fast forward to when Craig was in ICU (right before he passed away). It was just he and I and I sat on the bed facing Craig. I had been running my fingers through his hair and just talking to him. I then put my arms around his neck...leaned in to where my mouth was very close to his ears...and I sang "Always and Forever" to him...remembering back on that beautiful day in Michael's.
When Pat Bolin (again...thank you Pat!) suggested I tattoo my name in his handwriting on me...I thought it would mean more to me to have Craig's name. I went home one evening after work...took out all the cards that Craig had given to me over the last 7 years...and searched for just the right signature! (Not only did I love his singing...but I loved his handwriting, too! Oh hell...I just loved HIM! lol) Apparently I had never paid close enough attention...or put too much thought in to it, but I began to notice a recurring theme in quiet a few of his cards to me. Whenever he would sign the card...regardless of all the other sentiments he would write in them...he would also write "Always and Forever" Craig xxxxxoooooxxxxx (He also always put 5 x's, 5 o's, 5 x's after his name...even in his emails to me)
Through all the tears I was crying (and there were a lot of them!!) I noticed that in one of the Valentine's Day cards his gave me, he also added a couple of music notes around the "Always and Forever" part. I knew at that moment...when seeing that specific card...that was what I wanted! I wanted it put on my wirst where I can ALWAYS see it (Craig could never understand people putting tattoos where you couldn't see them yourself)...and forever be reminded of what we had and just how very much we loved each other! It is placed where I wear my watch...that way it won't be so obvious when it might be inappropriate.

~ Live, Laugh, Love, Tweet, Sip ~
Posted from my iPad using Blogpress

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