Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fathers Day

Originally posted Tuesday June 23, 2009

I know I can harp on and on about what a great man/husband/friend (etc) Craig was, but there will never be a better testiment to his character than how he was viewed as a "father"! Ashley (my duaghter) was 14 years old when Craig came into our life. Just leaving the middle schoolyears behind her and heading into that glorious high school era...she was a bonafide drama queen! (Any of my friends who have/had teenage girls wil know what I am talking about. lol) Craig, God rest his soul, stepped in and was the most wonderful dad to Ashley. To help show that I am not being my biased self (where Craig is concerned)...this is what I woke up to on Sunday morning (Father's Day):
When I came in to the livingroom...on the table where I have the picture of Craig from the memorial service, the Indian motorcycle that was in the flowers that Mark Moses sent, an angel (that was in another spray of flowers), a single red rose from the beautiful bouquet that Indian Motorcycle sent, an English Ivy plant, and last but not least...Craig's ashes, I noticed a piece of paper propped up against Craig's picture. This is what it said:
"Happy Father's Day Dad! I miss you so much! I hope you are doing good (I know you are). I wish you were here! You were a wonderful Dad to me, Thank you so much! I love you! And please keep watching and taking care of mama. I love you, Ashley"
What a glorious statement as to the type of man Craig was!

This is my favorite picture of Craig and Ashley. It was taken on Santa Monica Beach in August of 2003.

~ Live, Laugh, Love, Tweet, Sip ~
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