Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Craig wants me to call him....

Originally posted Sunday July 26, 2009

Lol...no, I've not lost my mind (ok...well, maybe I have, but that's something completely different than this!). Let me explain:
On Tuesday of this week, Ashley was napping on the couch...I was in the kitchen making my coffee...and all of a sudden I hear Ashley asking "Have you called Craig?". I hesitated...thought for a minute about whether or not I really heard her ask what she asked...and then responded "What?" (intelligent response, I know! lol) She then preceeds to respond "Craig wants you to call him." I am taken a bit off gaurd with her statements...walk to the livingroom and realize she is still asleep, but talking as loud as if she were awake and meaning to be heard! I chuckled and replied "Well, baby, if you can figure out a way for me to call Craig...I will be more than happy to call him!". She then wakes up and tells me that she was having a dream that Craig was hugging me and telling me that he was so happy that I was doing what I have always wanted to do (re: my facelift). What a warm, wonderful feeling it was to hear that!
In all the books I have devoured since Craig's passing...one of the common denominators that "spiritualist" tend to convey to mourners is that our loved ones will visit us in our dreams and pass along messages. Since Craig's passing...Ashley has been my conduit to Craig in the dream world. Craig knows that I sleep "hard"...and I very seldom ever remember any of my dreams, but Ashley has had several dreams with Craig in them and can remember every little detail!
I choose to believe...because it comforts me to know he is still around...watching, protecting, and still loving me! And if anyone can figure out how in the heck I am suppose to call him...drop me a note...PLEASE! ;^)

~ Live, Laugh, Love, Tweet, Sip ~
Posted from my iPad using Blogpress

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