Sunday, October 9, 2011

25 Things...

(Originally posted Thursday, February 5, 2009)
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.
1. I love being the "devil's advocate"...I will argue/question a point just for the sake of doing so.
2. Only in the last few years have I realized that I am a lot smarter than I ever gave myself credit for.
3. As much as it pains me to say...I really do miss living in Huntington Beach, California.
4. I can honestly say that if I died tomorrow...this has been one hell of an adventure and if I could change only one thing it would be to have me Craig (my husband) much sooner.
5. Regardless of the "cold-hearted" woman I like to think I am...I'm really just a big old softy who cries at even commercials!
6. Until Craig...I had never lived more than 25 miles from my childhood home, traveled further east than Myrtle Beach or further west than Memphis. Since Craig...I have lived in Mooresville NC, Phoenix AZ, Huntington Beach CA, & Gastonia NC...traveled overseas to Manchester England (Craig's hometown)...flown back and forth across the country several times...and realized the world is a lot smaller than I thought.
7. Even though my mom has been dead going on 32 years...I still cry when I think of her.
8 . I am absolutely amazed at how close my daughter and I are...and what a great relationship we have. There was a day I would have pictured things differently.
9. I am proud of my son...through think and thin, trials and tribulations...he's a true mamma's boy and he will persevere. =)
10. I can't believe that I have become one of "those" that pamper their pets...have made them my surrogate children...and spend way too much money to cater to their finicky ways. (Actually, my daughter will say that I treat them better than I did my own kids.)
11. I have come to realize that even though (or because) I spent the majority of my life in the customer service industry...I just don't like people! lol Ok...I exaggerate...I just don't like the majority of people.
12. I use to be a smoker...Marlboro 100' packs.
13. I sincerely miss being a firefighter and first responder.
14. I have a short temper...and a mouth like a sailor (at times).
15. I am an adrenaline is short...I like knowing (and feeling) I am alive!
16. I am a "Southerner"...don't ever call me "country"! There is a difference!
17. I can't believe that it's already been 7 years since Craig and I met. Some days it feels as if I have known him my whole life and other days it seems like we just met.
18. I really am not fond of getting up and going to the gym at 3:30am...but it's easier than going in the evening after work.
19. I have left explicit instructions as to my wishes for when I die: I want to be cremated...combined with Craig's ashes when he passes away...and spread "together" in the gardens where Craig's parents were spread (Stockport, England)
20. I am a true Taurus in every sense of the definition.
21. My dream is to go to Germany.
22. I have little tolerance for ignorance or ignorant people.
23. I love the way Craig and I act like little kids when we are together. It can be very therapeutic!
24. I am thankful everyday that I work in an office with a group of girls/women that are just as full of "crap" as I!
25. As narcissistic as I am, at times...I can't believe how hard this was!

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