Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Life is going good...actually, compared to a lot of folks, life is great!
School is almost to the end of the term...and I've almost survived all 7 classes! (lol)
Being married to Norman...lmao...well, that's always a lively adventure! He loves me so very much and puts up with my surviving my going through "the change"...supports me in everything I do, especially when it comes to my schooling...and can make me laugh at the stupidest stuff when my mood is not the best in the world.
Is it "the change"...reeking havoc on my emotional stability?
Or is it, for the absolute very fist time, watching the leaves blow around in the wind and rain...seeing the trees go bare outside my window, that I feel the sadness of Fall?
Or was it the dream I had this morning? The dream of me desperately searching...finally slumping to the ground...bawling my eyes out...not knowing and not being able to find my Craig?
Whatever the reason...
I'm just thankful the house is quiet...
That Norman is still in the bed asleep (he is such a wonderful support system, but I hate putting him through it)...
That I can have this time alone...without anyone trying to "fix" things...
and I can just...
And grieve.
And miss my Craig....

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