Saturday, November 19, 2011

All About Me (cont.)

Your favorite meal:
From as far back as my childhood days, I remember every Saturday at how my mom would go to the Bi-Lo store located on Swananoa River Road...the old Bi-Lo with the big cow on top of the building...and she would stand at the meat counter and pick out the "perfect" steaks for dinner. Come Saturday evening, we would have salad, steak, baked potato and some kind of pie for dessert...while being allowed to sit in the livingroom and watch tv (that was a big deal, because we always ate at the dinner table together!). We got to watch Lawrence Welk, Hee Haw, The Love Boat and Fantasy Island.
To this day, steak and baked potatoes are my absolute favorite meal...and I still harbor the belief that is what we are suppose to have for Saturday night dinner.
A drink you often order:
Lmao...not because it's my "favorite" drink, but because I can be a bit of a cheapskate...I order water with my meals. I can't see paying $2.00 for a soda, or tea, when I can drink water w/lemon with my meal. I think I started this when I left my first husband and needed to be "frugal" with my money...and it's just stuck with me!
As a special treat...if Sarge is out and wants to surprise me with a little treat...he will stop at Sonics and pick me up a Route 44 Diet Strawberry Limeade. (I love those things, we just don't live close to a Sonics!)
Now, if Sarge and I are out for a "celebration" of some sort...depending on what I am ordering to eat, I will have a glass of wine. If we are out on the town for the evening, my favorite drink to order would be Long Island Ice Tea! :-D
A delicious dessert:
Rarely do I ever "order" dessert, but if I do, it would be if they have Tiramisu on the menu. Nothing else generally appeals to me.
A game you like to play:
Hummm....are we talking board games? If so, my absolute favorite board game is Scrabble. But I also love games like Monopoly, Sorry, Parcheesi, Backgammon (Craig was just teaching me how to play this game when he passed away), and Chess.
(When Craig and I got together we implemented one night a week...every single game night. The kids, Craig and I would take turns about picking out the weekly game, and every week we would spend one evening with the tv off, sitting around the kitchen table, playing board games! What a blast we had...and what wonderful memories he created for the 3 of us!)
A book you strongly recommend:
There are 2 books I "strongly" recommend...
The first is: "Conversations With God". This was the very first book that voiced my exact thoughts and opinions of "who" and "what" I believe God is. It was enlightening...and as you can guess...I absolutely loved it!
The second book I recommend is: "Walking in the Garden of Souls". This book has brought me more peace than anything...or anyone...since Craig's passing. Whether or not you have lost someone in your life, I recommend this to every one!
An author who has affected you:
Besides the author's of the 2 books I mentioned above, the only other author who has truly "affected" me is Pauline Reage (a French author)...and for very personal reasons that is better left not discussed.
The magazine you read most frequently:
Hummm...I guess that would have to be Real Simple. I love the simplistic solutions to everyday problems...and the organizational tips they offer.
The newspaper you prefer to read on Sundays:
I like the local Sunday paper...just don't "mess" it up before I get a chance to look at it. Lmao My OCD doesn't like a "messy" paper. :-)
Music you prefer to listen to when you are alone:
Most of the time...when I'm alone...I will listen to what the call "Adult Contemporary" music. Actually, it's just the "slow" music I listened to when I was growing up (if anyone outside my age group understands what "slow" music is! lol)
The singer or band you currently listen to the most:
The singer I am listening to the most right now is "Adele". I love her sultry voice...and her music is very relaxing to listen to.
The film you could watch over and over:
"PS, I Love You"...because Hilary Swank plays ME in this movie. Everything she went through in the passing of her husband were things I lived out and experienced in the passing of my Craig. As a matter of fact...I think I'll watch it again today.
I can also watch "City of Angels" over and over again...because it also reminds me of Craig (and because it was the movie that Craig's spirit guided me to shortly after he passed away! Yes...I believe this 100%!)
A director you admire:
Even though I rarely pay attention to who has directed a certain movie...I must say that Clint Eastwood is one director I pay attention to. If I know it's a Clint Eastwood directed is a must see movie! He is fresh and unique in his film style...and his story lines. "Letters from Iwo Jima", "Flags of our Fathers", "Gran Torino"...and "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil"...absolutely amazing films!!

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