Sunday, November 13, 2011

All About Me

A while back, I purchased a book called "All About Me". It is the most unusual self-biography book I have ever seen. Not only does it ask the usual questions for you to answer, but it also asks some rather unusual ones. I am going to randomly pick a page every once in a while and answer the questions here...and I promise to be honest with my answers! :-) we go:

The Fruits of Your Labor: (this is the name of the page from which I am answering questions)

Your watch:  right now I am wearing a white Marc Jacobs watch
Your perfume:  I wear Chanel #5...all because it is what my mom always wore (my dad bought my mom the Chanel gift set every year for Christmas)
Something important on your desk:  Ummm...I guess I would have to say my iPhone...or possibly my bluetooth! lol
On your wall hangs:  In my I hung the pictures that Norman and I painted when we went to Paintings Bayou on a date. It shows that even though we were looking at the same thing, we both ended up with our own personal perspective on the subject matter. It makes me smile to see them because it was such a fun date...and something I had never done before!
Under your bed or in your closet you hide: lmao...if I have it hidden, there's a reason for it! :-) Let's just's personal!
Something important on your night table: I have this music box that plays "What A Wonderful World" (by Louis Armstrong) and it holds a special package of Craig's ashes, his wedding ring, his watch, and his ear-ring. I have it there so it is the last thing I see at night and the first thing I see in the morning. It has been on my night table March 7, 2009 (mine and Craig's wedding anniversary)...and will probably be there till the day I die!
When you sleep, you wear: lmao...if you ask Norman, he will tell you that I wear "gun cleaning cloth" (he hates that I wear anything to bed!), but I am more comfortable when I wear a t-shirt, or silky gown, and pair of panties.
If you had a safe, you would keep: I have no clue! I guess I would keep the diamond watch Craig gave me on our anniversary, my wedding rings from Craig, mine and Craig's wedding album, mine and Norman's wedding album...and probably every single picture album I own!
Things you like to buy: vices are shoes and purses! I own more shoes than any woman should ever own...and have an entire full size suitcase packed with all my extra purses (and that's after giving a box full of them to Goodwill!) I am also an avid collector of cookbooks! I love getting a cookbook from every place I visit...especially if it's a regional cookbook!
If you could afford it at this time, you would buy:  I would buy a cabin in the mountains! Somewhere that Norman and I could go to in the winter to enjoy the snow! (We are both such winter people!)
You collect:  Honestly...since Craigs death, I pretty much stopped collecting things...just for the sake of collecting. When he passed away...and in dealing with all the things that he collected...I've realized, it's just "stuff", and who's going to want it when I pass away anyway?! So now, unless I can use it, I don't buy it. I do have a huge collection of porcelan Cherished Teddies...crystal snow globes that my daughter has bought me...and Craig's Franklin Mint Motorcycles. Oh...but wait...I do collect something! I collect wine glasses from the wineries that Norman and I visit.But they are usually free with a wine tasting...and they have the wineries logo on them.
You don't have a lot of:  I don't know what I don't have a lot of! I must have plenty of everything because Norman, Nathan and Allan built me a beautiful storage building to put stuff that I don't use in. Humm...I'm going to have to think on this one...

And that's all the questions that was on that page!
Stay tuned for more...
I'll do this again

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