Sunday, May 1, 2011

Book of Days

Outside my window
The only thing I can focus on outside my window right now is the fact that our yard needs mowing...again! Especially before my birthday party this coming Saturday!

My Thoughts
It is final exam time for this quarter...and I can't believe I survived taking 6 classes! I don't 'think' I'll do that one again! But I am one quarter closer to graduating and honoring the men who have made it possible for me to attend and fulfill my dream...Craig and Norman. Craig for giving me the courage to enroll (before he passed away) and for always being my biggest fan! Sarge for being there to emotionally support me. Whether I am having a mental breakdown from the stress of school...or an emotional breakdown with the love I still feel for Craig! Sarge is a very strong, secure and giving man...and he loves ME. What more can I say?

Today's Quote
Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death (Harold Wilson)

I Am Thankful For
My Dad. I don't speak of him...and there are personal reasons for not doing so. Yet, if it were not for my dad, I would not be the strong woman I am today. He once told me..."Never, never depend on a man to give you what you want financially in life. If there is something you get it yourself!" To this day...if nothing else ever sticks with me...that one piece of advice sticks! I do not...have not...and will NEVER depend on a man to financially give me all the things I want in life.
The reason this is in my mind today is because I know of someone who made the comment...right before their marriage..."Just think...when Andy dies I will get his 401K!" That absolutely sickens me! Why?
1. If that is the only reason you got have no concept of what marriage is about.
2. Losing a spouse...when you are with them for all the RIGHT never a cause for celebration! And when you grieve so hard and so much that you...over 2 years later...are seeing a psychologist to help you deal with that death, then you will understand what truly loving with your whole heart means!
3. Why not get off your dead ass and get a job! Quit depending on your former spouses money...and the prospects of your future dead husbands money. Get out there and make your own.

From My Kitchen
I didn't make it...but Sarge just baked us a Razzleberry Pie! We're just waiting for it to cool..then I'll have a cup of coffee and a piece of pie while studying for my exam.

I Am Wearing
Danskin workout pants and a t-shirt with the new Air Force Logo and Design..."Cross Into The Blue"

I Am Creating
Nothing as of right now...I still need to finish my cross stitch (and my daughter's blanket I started knitting)

My Adventures This Week daughter has some kind of huge surprise planned for me Saturday. She is picking me up at 1pm, taking me to someplace (I have no clue where), I am suppose to be there for a couple of hours, and then my son will be picking me up to bring me home...then they have a big party planned for my birthday (with lots of 'over-night' guests...lmao). My daughter is doing all the decorating...making all the food except for what Sarge is going to be grilling...and has apparently ordered some kind of cake that is going to make me so very, very happy!

Becoming Well Read
I am now reading "Wherever You Go...There You Are Mindfulness Meditation In Everyday Life" by Jon Kabat-Zinn

I Manifest and Co-Create
My prayer this week:
Angel of God my Guardian dear,
To whom God's love commits me here;
Ever this day, be at my side
To light and guard
To rule and guide

Today's Melody
None...I am enjoying the peace and quiet

One Of My Favorite Things
My Pandora Braclet: I received 2 new charms this weekend to represent my "A" for Ashley and a sea turtle (she has this facination with sea turtles)

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