Sunday, April 10, 2011

Understanding my attraction to White Tigers...

I get it now! I finally understand my "draw" toward the White Tiger...and it was the memory of Craig that led me to it.

See, Craig was into personal totems and ideas along that line. He always believed that his totem was the Wolf. Well, while shopping the other day, I found this gorgeous t-shirt with a tribal design of a wolf and thought it would make a great tattoo (I've been looking for a tattoo design to put on my back...and no, there will be NO TRAMP STAMP!) In talking with the Sarge, he was supportive, yet, a little concerned. Unfortunately, he knows that Nancy is going to do whatever Nance wants...the heck with everyone else's thoughts and opinions. But out of respect for Sarge I came to the realization that maybe...just maybe...I need to search out my own totem and design a tattoo from that. And that's exactly what I did!

I have always had this draw toward the White Tiger. The Power. The Strength. The Beauty. It called to me...I just never listened "wholly". Until the other day. Below is just a little of the information I found out about the White Tiger as a totem:

"One who is blessed to have White Tiger walk beside them, is here with the role to seek personal truth. Yet in order to thoroughly understand and absorb the lessons and responsibilities of this role, White Tiger Soul need first acknowledge the shadows that exist 'within'.

The shadows that are represented by the dark stripes of the White Tiger, may be in the form of beliefs or behaviors which bring pain either to the Self or others. Fear turned inward, which ultimately manifests as hatred or anger. Yet the challenge here is acknowledgement and the facing of personal truths free of judgment, self retribution or placing the responsibility onto another.

White Tiger is drawn to a soul that has a powerful sense of conviction and inner strength. Therefore, on who is blessed with power totem will have strong ideas of what is "right" and "wrong" and will stand by this personal belief system, even of that means leaping in the face of popular opinion. Naturally, the may feel compelled to be a champion for the 'under-dogs' of life.Much like their power totem, White Tigers are individuals in every sense of the word and pride themselves upon standing apart from the group. It is this inner drive to be recognized for their unique contributions, that will often propel he/she into positions of public attention and recognition. The resulting manifestation is as a brilliant star in a night sky beckoning all to partake in the beauty and fire of life."

This is my next tattoo! I want in to go completely across my upper back, with the face dead center! I can't wait to get it! :-)

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