Monday, April 11, 2011

Book of Days...

  1. Outside My Window... The wind is really picking up and I'm just waiting for the storm to arrive.

  2. My Thoughts... I am so tired right now that I don't think I am having coherent thoughts! I've been up since 4am...cramming hard for a test in Civil Litigation tomorrow...and I am now just about ready to crash!

  3. Today's Quote..."I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.

  4. I Am Thankful For... Exavier and Savanna (my grandchildren). They came over this weekend and they seem to have this unbelievable ability to make me laugh and appreciate the innocence of the young. Savanna is a "mini-me"...she likes all things frilly and girly. Exavier is my "little-man"...he loves helping his Nana Nancy out, regardless of what it is. they are so very precious!

  5. From My Kitchen... I cooked all dogs, corn dogs, fresh corn on the grill, home-made fruit salad, BBQ chicken on the grill, and home-made hot fudge cake for dessert (and this was just Saturday evening!). Today, the only thing I've made is a boneless, skinless chicken breast for my lunch when I got in from school...and I'm getting too tired to worry about supper

  6. I Am Wearing... I am all cozy in my matching pj bottoms and top made out of t-shirt material...yet very feminine.

  7. I Am Creating (crafts, sewing, etc)... I have designed a cross stitch pattern that I am working on.

  8. My Adventures This Week... Every week seems to turn into some kind of adventure, whether I have it planned or not! The only thing that I really have on the calendar in the "personal" column is dinner and movie with Sarge this weekend. We are going to The Penguin in Charlotte for dinner (awesome place!) and to see "The Conspirator".

  9. Becoming Well Read... I am still working on "Love Wins" by Rob Bell and " Infinite Quest" by John Edwards .

  10. I Manifest and Co-create (what are my hopes, dreams, prayers)... Sarge is helping me plan a memorial garden for Craig and for his brother Jonathan. I have a place picked out that has 2 enormous trees...and I want to have the following quote put on a plaque to place on the tree in their honor: ""Let us cross the river, and rest under the trees." by General Stonewall Jackson

  11. Today's Melody..."Drink a little drink, Smoke a little smoke" by Eric Church

  12. One Of My Favorite Things... My oversize chair and ottoman in the den! I like pulling the ottoman all the way up to the chair, sit crossed leg in the chair, and spread my homework out on the ottoman (and do it! lol)

  13. Still Life...My new business cards came today...and I am rather pleased! It's a 2-sided card...with the card stock being Pearl...

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