Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 Years End...Current and Favorites

2012 Current &  Favorites:

          The Wolf Gift by Anne Rice.....which is my current read
          newest downloads...
                    Night Train by Jason Aldean
                    The Only Way I Know by Jason Aldean
                    Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye by Luke Bryan
                    Take A Little Ride by Jason Aldean
                    Back by Colt Ford
                    Drivin Around Song by Colt Ford
                    Like There's No Tomorrow by Justin Moore
                    The Only Place That I Call Home by Justine Moore
                    Bleed Red by Ronnie Dunn
                    If I Didn't Know Better from the Nashville soundtrack
                    Skyfall by Adele
                    Two Black Cadillac s by Carrie Underwood 
                    Black Tears by Jason Aldean
                    I Don't Do Lonely Well by Jason Aldean

          My current favorite color is still RED
           Diet Sundrop, of course
           I am currently eating fish (perch), fries, hush-puppies and coleslaw
favorite show...
           My newest obsession is a BBC show called "Doc Martin" I've watched 2 seasons of it on my computer in the past week.
           My only current need is to find out why my legs are retaining so much water that it has become painful.
           The most current triumph is that I made it through another year in a "somewhat" sane state of mind! lol
banes of my existance...
           As much as I love him...my wonderful husband is my current source of irratation because he is determined to do things his own way and in his own time...not when I truly need them to be done!
celebrity crush...
          This one is an easy one! It would, of course, have to be Tom Hardy. I have drooled over this man for the last several months!

#1 blessing...
          I will ALWAYS believe that my children are my biggest blessing, for they have been there with me through some of the most horrific moments of my life just as through some of the happiest times of my life. They are the greatest part of my past...my present...and my future!
          My current indulgence is our ability to eat supper out every night we don't feel like cooking...which is almost every night of the week! :-)

          grey danskin sweet-pants...black long sleeve tshirt...white slouch socks
          The most current circumstance that got me excited was when we received paperwork in the mail from Caldwell Mortgage to let us know that our mortgage payments will be dropping by $200/month starting in February. 
        My current mood is one of concern for my husband. His blood pressure has been running high today and he is not feeling well. He has, therefore, gone to lay on the couch and just relax. he might be the bane of my existence on certain days, but he also causes me great concern when it comes to his health and well being.
holiday decoration...
          There are no holiday decorations up because we did not put any up this year. sometimes, with the kids all being grown and out of the house, it is nice not to have to worry about dragging all of that stuff out and then, a few weeks later, put it all back up again!

#1 on wish list...
           The #1 item on my current wishlist is that very, very soon...my husband and I will move to the mountains where there is definitive seasons...and SNOW!

New Years resolution...
          As much as I hate to say this, since it's always on everybodys resolution list, it is to lose 40 pounds by the time we go to Maine in July.

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