Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A moment with my thoughts...

Today, I was able to lose myself in thought as I walked along the shores. I felt the sun on my face...the sand and water between my toes...and an inner peace within my soul that I've come to know as "Craig".
As I quietly walked along the beach I carried on an inner dialogue, just as I do on a day-to-day basis, with Craig.
"I love you Craig. Do you still love me?"
"I miss you Craig. Do you miss me?
"Thank you for being my guardian angel...please don't ever leave me...and please, please, please wait for me!"
As I quietly stood with the sun beaming on my face...staring off into the horizon...I felt peace. I asked Craig to please give me some kind of sign that he was there with me. As I turned to leave, I looked down and as the wave swept across the sand...the most beautiful "worry-stone" appeared. I picked it up and felt the cool smoothness of it's surface...and I just "knew". This was my sign. This was Craig telling me that he would never leave my side...especially in times of stress and worry.
Today. Today was a very good day!

~ Live, Laugh, Love, Tweet, Sip ~
Posted from my iPad using Blogpress

Location:Ocracoke Island, NC

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