Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Secret Me...A Questionnaire Journal

     I can't believe that it has been almost an entire year since I have posted anything in my journal. It's time to get disciplined again...because according to my husband's brother (Jonathan Lowery...who was KIA), "He likes the book I've wrote". WTH?! Lmao

     On the phone with my son last night, I was describing this new questionnaire journal I had purchased...and we were talking about how every family member should fill out something like this to be handed down from generation to generation. (Be prepared kids...you are getting ready to get one! lmao) We don't know our ancestors anymore. Family stories aren't relayed to future generations like they were in the past. Is it because we are such a "transient" society now? Because families aren't rooted into specific geographical communities anymore?
     For whatever reason, I find that I have become fixated on leaving behind the most minute details of who I was to my children.  If course they know who "mommy" is...but do they really know who I was before becoming their momma? Do they know who I am, now that they are grown and gone? Do they truly know who Nancy is/was?
     So...for the unforeseeable future, I am going to share questions and my answers to the most unique questionnaire journal I have found......"The Secret Me"

At Random
This journal is the property of:
Nancy Carolyn Sutphin Whitt Sanders-Lowery
Date begun:
September 14, 2012
When were you born?
     May 8, 1963
Where were you born?
     Memorial Mission Hospital, Asheville NC
Can you play chess?
     Yes...I just don't have anyone to play it with.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
     No...but I do believe in "lust" at first sight.
Where do you currently live?
     Clover, SC
When you die, you'd like to have your body:
     Cremated    Yes!
Which of your parents named you?
     I don't know for sure, but seeing as how I was born while my dad was at sea (he was in the Navy) I am going to assume my mom did.
What was your first word?
     According to the Baby Book of Nancy...it was Da-Da
Would you choose to be immortal, if given the chance?
     Not just "no", but "hell no"
Do you believe in Karma?
     Absolutely, positively, 100% yes
Are your parents divorced?
     No. My mother dies in 1977 from Breast Cancer and my father has remarried since then.
Do you generally remember your dreams?
     More often than not...No.
How do you prefer your eggs cooked?
     Fried, over easy
Have you seen a ghost?
     No...I don't think so
Have you named a vehicle?
Which of the following bothers you the most?
     Being ticketed
     Nails scraped on a chalkboard - like you wouldn't believe!
The most expensive thing you ever paid cash for:
     Probably when I purchased my 2008 Hyundai Tiburone GT. I paid $18,000 for it.
Have you seen a tornado with your own eyes?
Have you been in a long distance relationship?
     Yes...when my late husband and I first met, he was living in Mooresville, NC and I was living in Mars Hill, NC...
     and...my wonderful husband now, was living in Mars Hill, NC and I was living in Gastonia, NC when we first met.
Have you won a game of pool?
     Yeah, but I think it was out of pity!
Have you seen a baby being born?
     Both of my children were born by C-section. Jonathan, my oldest, was an emergency c-section and I was put to sleep. My daughter was a repeat c-section and even though they kept me awake, they put up a sheet and didn't allow me to see what was going on.
Do you scrub your tongue when brushing your teeth?
     Of course!
Have you been in the ocean?
     I've been in the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and the Irish Sea
Have you had a black eye?
     Yes, but not because someone punched me. I ended up with a black eye when I had my wisdom teeth surgically removed.
Have you hitchhiked?
     Yes I have. It was winter 1983...my first husband and I had been arguing...it was probably 11pm at night and we are traveling down Hwy 19-23 toward Mars Hill. Stupid, stupid me demanded he pull the car over and let me out. I grabbed my 2 month old son and got out of the car and started walking...thinking he would come back after me. Unfortunately for me...he didn't, and I was probably 20 miles from home. Fortunately for me, a kind gentleman pulled over and offered me a ride. That was the first...and last time...I pulled a stunt like that!