Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The first installment of "Book of Days"

My Thoughts...
Today my thoughts are revolving around my baby...Morgan. He is at the vets this morning having surgery for a really bad gash on his left hindquarters. While he is there, they are going to run a heart test on him, check his liver and kidneys, update his shots (that I have not had done since Craig passing away), and they are going to microchip him for me.

Todays, Quote...
"Get your facts first. Then you can distort them as much as you please." Mark Twain

I Am Thankful For...
Common Sense...and those that have it!

From My Kitchen...
The only thing that has come from my kitchen this morning has been coffee! And as far as supper goes...who the heck knows...peanut butter and jelly?? Lmao

I Am Wearing...
Bluejeans, long-sleeve black Indian Motorcycle t-shirt and tennis

I Am Creating (crafts, sewing, etc.)...
Tonight I have to create 2 posters for my Psychology presentation...that is due in the morning. Nothing like procrastinating!

My Adventures This Week (where I am going this week)...
Not planning anything major this week, even though my son just sent me a text reminding me that I said I would come and see him this weekend. I guess I could go...I always love going to Asheville!

Becoming Well Read (what I am reading)...
I just finished reading "The Innocent Man" by John Grisham. I intend to finish reading President Bush's Book "Decision Points" while on Spring break next week.

I Manifest and Co-Create (what are my hopes, dreams, prayers)...
I am dreaming of my future...when I am no longer a student and am back to bringing in a really good paycheck! I love making money! And I definitely can not stand the thought of EVER being totally dependent on someone else for the things I want and need in life. This is MY life...MY journey! I will not be controlled or manipulated into having to NEED a man to survive! I would much rather WANT you as to NEED you!!!!

Today's Melody...
Still listening to Grayson Chance's "Waiting Outside The Lines"

One Of My Favorite Things...
lmao...My daughter just sent me a text letting me know that Crunchwrap supremes from Taco-Bell are .88 cents this week. Today...at this very moment in time...that is my favorite thing!

Further Plans For The Week...
Survive! I just want Friday to get here and know that I am off for the entire next week.

Still Life (share a picture taken or found that speaks to me)...

This was our "Family Photo"...after the kids had grown. It was just Morgan, Craig and I.

From My Training (skills, training, notes I would like to share)...
Humm...training? Well, I did learn how to produce a litigationn document for the courts today! That is always something good to know! bwahahah!!

~ Live, Laugh, Love, Tweet, Sip ~
Posted from my iPad using Blogpress

Location:Cato Law Library